- 2012 Closing Chapter: The End
- Well, I never knew my blogging journey would go that far. From 2012 day one till the last day, it has been a great pleasure blogging everyday
- Today, it is my last day for gym. Last day in Fitness First
- New format for 2013 blogging. I will try my best to blog everyday!
- Welcome to the best month of the year, JANUARY!
- Satisfied feeling, great achievement feeling, milestone accomplished feeling
Monday, December 31, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 366 of 366
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 365 of 366
- Countdown to Closing Chapter of 2012: 1 day
- What a great night for 2012 SBS Entertainment Awards!
- Congratulations to Kang Gary, Ji Suk Jin, Yoo Jae Suk and Running Man PD!
- Without Running Man, I will definitely not get into K-Pop, and my tummy will not be hurt because of laughing too much
- Looking forward for tomrrow, I guess
- If it isn't of Leap Year, 2012 would have ended today
- Awesome feeling
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 364 of 366
- 2 more days
- 二零五,祝我们合作愉快~祝呀,打呀,祝呀,打呀~
- 我们要长得高, 像你, 像你! 我们要长得壮, 像你, 像你!
- Rewatch some Running Man episodes
- Maybe it's time to get serious in life
- Consciousness feeling
Friday, December 28, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 363 of 366
- Walao, I dislike Sunny's new hairstyle
- 红红的虹虹红红的胸部很红红地恐怖, new phrase!
- I missed Puay Chai's life suddenly. Missed Shereen Liew and Pei Xuan all in sudden
- 二零五,祝我们合作愉快~祝呀,打呀,祝呀,打呀~
- 人生最遗憾的是:你做不到你想做的事
- Like seriously, I don't get to participate in any big event
- Obsession leads to corruption, maybe I should live with a calm mind?
- Sad, disappointed and down feeling
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 362 of 366
- When no one gives a fuck, that's okay!
- Why don't mosquitoes get the fuck out of this world? Little pathetic, annoying, zebra-striped, blood sucking, winged insect
- Sudden outting with Shelly and Shu Hun
- Didn't know I have many friends around me are Running Man fans
- Today, I'm Kim Jong Kook
- Hope I'm able to join the Running Hunt
- People who voted Gangnam Style as the worst song of 2012 is either retarded, don't like Korea or don't have a sense of fun
- Great feeling, running-man feeling
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 361 of 366
- Countdown to Closing Chapter of 2012: 5 days
- Received the Kim Jong Kook T-Shirt and it is so freaking nice
- So I listened to Nickelback's Rockstar and I feel like a rockstar. I'll need a credit card that's got no limit!
- So I decided to become a rockstar. I'll become awesome instead. I'll trade anything for fortune and fame
- Hardcore Diablo III is so stress to play
- Good feeling
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 360 of 366
- 6 more days
- 360 degree change
- People celebrate Christmas today, and I went to Nirvana
- Dead tired, whole family members were sleeping in the afternoon till evening
- Today is a Tuesday that is not like a Tuesday
- Suddenly felt down while playing Diablo III, like super down
- Indeed, Gary Christmas. 2 years MVP for Running Man Christmas Special Episode
- Eliminated 6 persons. Eliminated strongest commander. All-killed whole Blue Team. Survived 1 v 3. MVP for 2 consecutive Christmas episodes. What do you expect more from Kang Gary?
- Just plain normal feeling, dead tired feeling
Monday, December 24, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 359 of 366
- Meet up Kian Yeung and Shih Chern
- Christmas Eve: Sleepy
- Gonna sleep early
- Almost finish watching all the running man episodes. Great achievement indeed
- Felt envious about others' achievement
- Mixed feeling, envious feeling
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 358 of 366
- My father plays computer game play until fall asleep while sitting on the chair. BOSS LEVEL
- Have been stomach ache for two consecutive days
- "When you learn how to live by yourself and still be happy, that means you're ready for a relationship" - Hoo
- Wise words, bro. Wise words
- Get two legendary items in 30 minutes. A good start
- Good feeling
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 357 of 366
- 今天,我很贵。
- Learned new word today: Feeticeps!
- I can do it better, I still have room for improvement
- Was cooking mee at midnight, suddenly missed the cooking life and supper life in UK
- Normal feeling
Friday, December 21, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 356 of 366
- 2112.2012
- Maybe 100 years later?
- Hyoyeon Dancing Queen Gee Style Chocolate Love Duffy's Mercy?!
- 日日落水,呢唔闲我都闲啦。
- Can't find my certificates, omfbbqg
- Seems like I'm not the only one who haven't found a job
- Blogging has become part of my daily life
- Normal feeling
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 355 of 366
- 20.12.2012
- 11 days left
- Pressurized legs
- Tomorrow final day on Earth, don't think so. I BELIEVE it will occur one day but definitely not tomorrow
- Rush everything! Rush, rush, rush. RUSHBUG
- Normal feeling
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 354 of 366
- 2012.2012
- Headache, neckpain and feel like vomit?
- Rewind Youtube Style!
- Change from attack to defend
- Below than average feeling
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 353 of 366
- Jack Reacher, unexpectedly good! Good detective movie
- And now Bleach has shocked me once again, the creator of Zanpakuto?
- Shocked feeling
Monday, December 17, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 352 of 366
- 2012 我最有满足感的事是不再执着,做回自己
- 其次当然是很庆幸有机会能够去英国!
- TARC Canteen 1 become so beautiful and has more choices of food, damn
- This should be the last time I visit TARC, unless something important requires my visit again
- Missing feeling, above than average feeling
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 351 of 366
- Suprisingly the internet connection behaves well today
- Oh yes Diablo III is getting more fun with good items
- Great feeling
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 350 of 366
- Advanced Diploma Convocation ended with a fast pace
- It is always good to chat with Mun Chun, has alot of fun and lame jokes
- The normal things people do after convocation: take pictures, throw hats, go home. At least it happens for me
- Gangnam style on the convocation stage? TAR College approves it
- Convocation is tiring and exhausting, and it is SUPER HOT wearing the gown
- If I can't bid an item, I will purposely raise the price as high as possible: NO CHEAP PRICES FOR YOU BIDDERS
- Hyped feeling
Friday, December 14, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 349 of 366
- Let the journey to become stronger begins
- Mnet Asian Music Awards 2012 or Melon Music Awards 2012 do not excite me much: because of the lack of SNSD and other groups
- Times draw near, echoes of the darkness
- Sometimes Twitter is very weird, you know what I'm saying?
- Tomorrow will be the day
- Stronger feeling
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 348 of 366
- Just because it burns, doesn't mean you're gonna die
- Wanna rewatch Lord of the Rings trilogy, but couldn't find the DVD. WHERE ARE YOU?!
- Getting pissed of at doing Crispy Critters and Takes a Lickin' achievements
- Maybe I can give myself a try in UOB?
- Dead feeling
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 347 of 366
- Busy travelling day
- Missed TAR College alot. It's good to be back there, even it is just taking convocation attire
- 最近很自卑,搞懒
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Premiere Screening, thank you Yes World!
- The Hobbit is a must watch film for all the Lord of the Rings fans
- The latest chapter from Bleach shocked me to the maxxxxxxxxxx, too many unexpected things
- Hyped feeling
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 346 of 366
- 20 days
- Achievements, achieved
- Tomorrow is a special day: 12.12.12, convocation attire and The Hobbit premiere
- Good feeling
Monday, December 10, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 345 of 366
- 3, 4, 5...
- Love Yes World so much, always give me free movie tickets, especially Prometheus and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
- I think I know the technique to win tickets from Yes World
- 面青口唇白
- Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame. Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die. You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try. Gotta get up and try, and try, and try. You gotta get up and try, and try, and try
- Advanced Diploma Convocation on Saturday
- Great feeling
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 343 of 366
- Said wrong thing in the morning, damnit
- Had fun fooling around when there are no customers or supervisors around
- Wanted to go Penang for food and Escape Theme Park so badly!
- Still no news from Advanced Diploma convocation, goddamnit
- Mixed feeling
Friday, December 7, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 342 of 366
- Simple job, tough customers
- Sleep will cure any shit you're facing
- Another two days to go
- Leg pain feeling
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 341 of 366
- Another sneezing day
- Days are getting near to the end, yet I still haven't receive any Advanced Diploma convocation news
- The end is near
- Above than average feeling
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 340 of 366
- My MSN still haven't die! Still got friend active and can chat with in MSN!
- Malaysia Police are daylight robbers
- Maybe I should give myself a chance to try?
- “其实一切并没有想像中困难,只要你愿意提起勇气面对,结果会是出乎意料的惊喜!不要逃避,要勇于面对。” - Posted by See Chai Yong
- 1.5% of what you can achieve
- I got a good feeling
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Chapter 2012. Page 339 of 366
- Time to get serious soon, time to start panic soon
- #TodayIsYuriDay Happy Birthday Kwon Yuri! Although I'm not so into you in SNSD, but you're still part of it, which makes me proud! :)
- Serious feeling
Monday, December 3, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 338 of 366
- First time met a very very very ngam cham and annoying customer, damn fucked up
- Ice and arcane wizard
- No luck for winning any contest anymore?
- Normal feeling
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 337 of 366
- Less than one month till the Closing Chapter
- Got the mood to play Wizard character in Diablo III
- Normal feeling
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Chapter 2012, Page 336 of 366
- How can Taeyeon be so beautiful and cute?
- You know you're seriously fucking bored when you start to think of the meaning of life
- Back in biceps
- Love the word "Pali" (Korean: Hurry up) nowadays
- Normal feeling
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