- Last day in 2013
- No mood in work
- Super full for lunch and beer session
- Kpop to accompany me before countdown
- Hope I will continue blogging for the third year
- Tag labels: December, Tuesday, Special, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Last Running Man episode in 2013: Episode 178, the craziest mission. The most touching episode too
- 2013 SBS Entertainment Awards
- High Excellence Program Award: Running Man
Viewer's Choice Popularity Award: Running Man
Friendship Award: Lee Kwang Soo
Excellent Award (Male): Haha & Kim Jong Kook
High Excellent Award (Female): Song Ji Hyo
- The Running Man members seem like enjoying Crayon Pop's Bar Bar Bar. Popjuhssi(s) detected!
- Still can't accept the fact that Kang Gary and Song Ji Hyo didn't win that Couple Award at SBS Entertainment Awards
- I seriously hate EXO's fans to the max
- Tag labels: December, Monday, Kpop, Korean, Running Man, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- SBS Gayo Daejun & MBC Entertainment Awards
- Can't wait for tomorrow's SBS Entertainment Awards
- The house is completing soon. Mixed feeling
- Tag labels: December, Sunday, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The last 4 days in 2013
- Flu again, I hate flu
- Rewatch Lord of the Rings
- Tag labels: December, Saturday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Inspired by Dayo Wong, imitate his way of talking?
- Talked too much crap during lunch
- A small gathering with Calvin
- Tag labels: December, Friday, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Finished with 《My盛Lady》
- My saint lady
- Long time never watch TVB dramas, I watch it because of Dayo Wong
- Tag labels: December, Thursday, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Merry Christmas, I said it to myself
- At least, I got 《My盛Lady》 accompanying me for the whole day :')
- Tag labels: December, Wednesday, Special, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Christmas Eve
- Sneezed for 9000 times today, yeah on a Christmas Eve
- A lonely Christmas, again
- Tag labels: December, Tuesday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Running Man episode 177 was the best episode in 2013, no doubt
- Plot twist over plot twist, brilliant
- My favourite member, Kang Gary won! Gary Christmas!
- 3 years in a row is no joke
- Tag labels: December, Monday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Winter Solstice
- That winter, the wind blows
- Peaceful day
- Gonna spend my Christmas alone this year. Again?
- Tag labels: December, Sunday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- If there's a will to learn, there's a way to succeed
- 有些人,要骂下他他才甘愿
- Easier said than done
- A small test that can show everything
- When you're not in my situation, all you can do is talk. But when it comes to you, you start to panic and find excuse
- Do note and homework for success
- Tag labels: December, Saturday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Glad that I skipped company Christmas party to attend the STWW Millionaire Summit
- Eye opened, knowledge widen, thinking matured.
- “穷的人剩下的只是钱。”
- “Steve Job 不是因为会IT而去搞Apple的,而是因为Apple而去搞IT。”
- Tag labels: December, Friday, Life, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A sudden boost in work
- Listen to classic songs
- I must have faith, at least
- “Networking is the most necessary and most evil of necessary evils."
- There can be miracle, when you believe. Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill.
- Tag labels: December, Friday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 想了好几个星期,终于领悟到了:要成功其实不是单靠努力就可以,一定要有超成熟的思想与意志力
- Hopefully 2014 will be a great one
- Sleep until sick
- Tag labels: December, Wednesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Strive to achieve better
- I must make myself to become Executive
- Tag labels: December, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- First OPP, gan jiong as fuck
- At least I passed my own test
- I will not feel guilty of not sharing it anymore
- Tag labels: December, Monday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Woke up 3pm
- Every Sunday night is a revival for me
- Up and down feelings, argh I hardly cope with it
- 毫无意外地,迟早我一定会把自己逼疯掉的
- Tag labels: December, Sunday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug was good, although Smaug talked too much crap
- Regular meeting at night
- Tag labels: December, Saturday, Movie, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 曾几何时觉得空虚寂寞觉得冷?
- Decided to let loose tonight, going to watch midnight movie alone
- Tag labels: December, Friday, Life
- Daily awesome ratings: 3/5
- Talking about life
- Friends are inversely proportional to life? At least that is what I'm experiencing now
- Can I have a guided path?
- Tag labels: December, Thursday, Friends, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- 11.12.13, Post 345. What a coincidence?
- 11.12.13. Praying for an awesome life in future. Live your life worth dying for
- Too much Crayon Pop for the day
- Got rejected, but I will keep trying till I succeed
- I must invite at least two persons to attend the convention!
- Tag labels: December, Wednesday, Special, Life, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Thinking, cracking heads
- Same business minded, but can they learn like me to take a step further?
- Break through comfort zone
- Tag labels: December, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Had a great lunch
- Fire burning, gotta invite people to join the crew
- Running Man at its best, great final mission
- Tag labels: December, Monday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A fire burning Sunday night
- Maybe it's time to get serious and start planning
- Plan and execute
- Tag labels: December, Sunday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Product learning
- Can I achieve a good result?
- A refreshing pool session with old friends
- Tag labels: December, Saturday, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Got my iPhone 5s
- Sold off in 2 hours
- Sleepy as hell
- Money problems, income coming soon
- Tag labels: December, Friday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #HappyYuricornDay #유리야생일축하해 Happy Birthday Kwon Yuri! :3
- What's the point of keep doing accounts if I can't get any future benefit? I'm not a fucking machine, you management fucks
- Cough
- Gossips
- Watch Russell Peters stand up comedy video
- Tag labels: December, Thursday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Good to visit Google Malaysia Sdn Bhd
- Small, yet elegant
- At least meet more people today, good for future business
- Tag labels: December, Wednesday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Sick day
- Sore throat is getting worse after drinking that fucking company water. FUCK
- 要赢人,先要赢自己
- Going to Google Malaysia Office tomorrow. Lets see how good the environment is
- Finally, my minesweeper achievement! 10,000 games played!
- Tag labels: December, Tuesday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Rainy day. Raining whole day
- Starting my own business
- It will be a tough road, but I guess it's worth it in future
- Dozed off at work
- Sore throat again
- Tag labels: December, Monday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Beginning of new month and last month of the year
- Feel the energy and passion already?
- Something is life changing and I can feel it now
- Met great guys and million dollar men
- Can I be like one of them?
- Tag labels: December, Sunday, Life, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I'll see what I can achieve in life
- It takes time but we'll see
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Triple 3
- Piles of work coming in. I'm dead on Monday
- Fourth night without the line
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Looking though Allkpop's news. What an asshole company
- Third night without Internet
- Training in progress
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- So many birthdays on this date!
- Second night without Internet
- Abs training
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- No freaking internet for the whole day
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I fucking hate telemarketing
- The Internet line is slow as hell
- Sleepy as always, I'm getting freaking old
- Tag labels: November, Monday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Took a nap for the whole evening
- The previous feel wasn't there anymore
- The new home is quite nice, just abit far in my opinion
- Can I keep my consistency and passion?
- Tag labels: November, Sunday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Almost whole day outing
- I suck at basketball
- But I have great improvement in pool
- My legs have been cramping all the time today. So fucking pain
- Again, I'm wondering if I've venture into the right business. Complicated feeling
- Chatting with Nicholas Leng makes me feel good
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Life, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Waited whole day just for MAMA 2013
- Glad that Crayon Pop, G-Dragon, Ailee, Lee Hyori & Girls Generation got Awards
- The weirdest and funniest performance of the night was Ylvis and Crayon Pop
- And Big Bang's performance was superb
- Overall a very very satisfying MAMA 2013
- I still don't like EXO's fans
- #MAMA2013
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Special, Kpop, Korean, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Sometimes I wonder, am I falling for the wrong person?
- Or is it a chance? An opportunity?
- Tired as hell
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Why I get myself into such situation
- Why am I doing it?
- Fucking tired, mentally and physically
- Please God, show me if I'm doing it correctly. Show me if I've chosen the right path in life
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Shits are flooding in
- Why do I get myself into so much trouble
- Fucker I'll start back my training. No more fucking excuse
- Life is like a rape. If you can barely struggle, just enjoy it
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Listening to techno songs, feel like clubbing already
- Sometimes you just don't know how to deal with one's stupidity and ignorance, and yes CUSTOMERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. FML
- It's not a good day already, and now you give me toothache
- At least Running Man still makes my day slightly better
- I'm glad that Spy Mission is silently striking back. No one would've foreseen that
- Watching the latest Running Man episode, brought back Family Outing's feel. =')
- Tag labels: November, Monday, Songs, Work, Life, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- 3, 2, 1
- Sleepy day
- I need redemption on my life
- Once again, I'm back to the bottomless pit of mine
- “极度的丑陋其实是等于另一种美”. Mind blown
- I want to be as awesome as Yoo Jae Suk when I get old
- Tag labels: November, Sunday, Kpop, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Finished with Saw series
- Love the mind fucking plot twist
- Back on track with Korean class
- I fucking hate flu, catch cold is not fun at all
- Can never forget that day? Mind fucked
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Movie, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- I would like to play a game
- It is called, watched the whole Saw Series
- That plot twist, still mind blowing as always
- Forgot to write about yesterday's 2013 Melon Music Awards
- Congratulations to Crayon Pop and Ailee!
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Movie, Crayon Pop, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Unexpected birthday celebration
- Getting closer?
- Give a try to Carcony and lets see how great it is
- Invest first, then get a good return in future
- Continue SAW series
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Work, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Take initiative to know someone, rather than just sitting there
- It is time for something to happen next year, like seriously
- Sometimes, life ain't easy, yet it is so interesting
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday, Life, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The art of pictures, the quality of pictures
- 每个人心里都有一个心魔
- Watching CZ12 makes me feel like watching Jackie Chan's old movies
- Awesome stunts
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday, Movie, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Special 11/11 day. A... bad Pepero Day?
- Leg still in pain
- Tweeted a lot today, like A LOT
- A really bad day happened in Kpop world: Jessica, Yoona & Taeyeon, Ailee, Eunhyuk and Areum
- 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来;我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩
- If next week Running Man team is going to lose to that 11 guys, I seriously don't know what to say
- Tag labels: November, Monday, Special, Korean, Kpop, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- A tired morning
- Luckily no hangover
- Took a long evening nap
- Tag labels: November, Sunday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Banana was exciting, didn't expect that
- Dinner was quite okay, a quiet one
- But the pool party was AWESOME
- You're looking at a freaking super lucky guy who won the grand prize
- Sometimes you need to take risk in life. Chances are, you're gonna win big
- Win big or go home. My future is going to win BIG
- Definitely a crazy night
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Worsen? Hmm
- To be honest, I don't like EXOtics. Most of them are not friendly toward other idols and are the ones who get offended easily
- Running Man night
- Tomorrow will be a good day? Fingers crossed
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 动情时刻最美,真心的给不累
- So many chats today
- Gossip kills, that what I learnt
- Must be more productive in future
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- When can I start to do my "business"?
- Need to find a good timing
- Komamura with his new look and new Bankai look, freaking awesome
- That Hangul Song is so brainwashing. I'm learning all the hand gestures :3
- ㄱ , ㄴ, ㄷ , ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ , ㅅ , ㅇ, ㅈ , ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday, Bleach, Work, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A normal day
- Just a normal day
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- What a weird day for me in work
- Forgot to bring wallet and smartphone to work
- Mistakes in work
- Ain't my day today
- DotA 2 training with Lich
- Tag labels: November, Monday, Work, Special, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Lich, the potential all kill hero
- Super worried looking at my list, not much people I can talk to
- Super doubt I can do this business
- Tag labels: November, Sunday, DotA 2, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Checked back for the day I forgot to blog
- This post is especially for that day, 25th May 2013
- Couldn't remember what I did for that day, but I guess it's nothing special
- Tag labels: May, Saturday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Woke up surprisingly at 3pm
- DotA 2 practicing day
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 2 more months
- So many movies to watch
- Getting frustrated with teammate bots, fucking noobs
- Tag labels: November, Friday, DotA 2, Movies
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 2 more months until new year
- Expectedly failed Google Advanced Search
- Thor: The Dark World was quite good, within my expecta
- Movie villain minions are stupid as usual
- Tag labels: October, Thursday, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Another day of... Youtube
- Stories origins
- Breezing day and night
- Tag labels: October, Wednesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Clearly it has problem, that's why everyone can see it clearly. It's fucking obvious
- Youtube learning day
- Knowledgable "Youtube" lessons
- Kick-Ass 2, kicked ass
- Tag labels: October, Tuesday, Work, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Day 300! This. Is. Sparta!
- 65 more days to go
- It was a good day, everything goes smooth
- Bells hide and seek is back, great concept from Running Man PD once again
- Tag labels: October, Monday, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Leisure day
- DotA 2 again
- Watched Kick Ass, what a great violent movie
- Tag labels: October, Sunday, DotA 2, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A day outing with colleagues
- Fun with water
- The dark side of the work
- Not fun with the money lost
- Practicing my DotA 2 skills again
- Tag labels: October, Saturday, Friends, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- It's good to play back DotA 2
- Learning one of the hardest heroes: Invoker
- Tornado, Meteor Blast, Deafening Blast
- Micro-skills
- Tag labels: October, Friday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A good day, "productive" enough?
- Had fun reading posts
- Fucking hate those people who put hate on other people. Oh wait...
- Good Crayon Pop, now aim for the bigger one, MAMA Awards!
- Tag labels: October, Thursday, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- 70 days to end, it has been two years blogging
- Persistent is what I've learn, lazy is one of them too
- Laughed alot watching Ylvis - The Cabin
- Tag labels: October, Wednesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- People are just making fuss over small things
- Korean songs over the night
- Tag labels: October, Tuesday, Korean, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- One more task to go, the difficult one
- Might visit Maybank tomorrow?
- EP168 was so hilarious, it was a very good episode
- One more Infinity Challenge member, Noh Hong Chul to Running Man to fulfill the dream
- Same goes to Tiffany, Sooyoung, Haejin, Shiyeon
- Seriously I want to see more Ji Suk Jin's solo win in future, one ain't enough!
- Tag labels: October, Monday, Korean, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Last day of Korean class
- Looking forward in future
- Kinda lose confidence already
- Tag labels: October, Sunday, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- So much electronics
- Broke so many records today
- Minesweeper for the win!
- Tired hand
- Tag labels: October, Saturday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Mixed feeling
- Sudden hope?
- Peaceful week next week?
- That feeling after you clean all the malwares and pop up ads
- Tag labels: October, Friday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- What a bad start of the start, reading article that shakes my heart
- Definitely a shaken confidence
- The distance between me and my goal is getting further and further away
- Confident level has been lowered down, I'm not gonna lie
- Tag labels: October, Thursday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Youtube training
- More knowledge everyday
- Chatting about schemes to getting rich, fascinating theories
- Tag labels: October, Wednesday, Work, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Totally feels like Sunday today
- Demotivated motivation
- Leap of faith towards hope
- I dream on the day I become rich. You'll see
- Tag labels: October, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Not in mood to do work
- Feels like Friday
- Unusual gathering, not that happening anymore
- It feels good to see Spy Mission in Running Man again
- Too bad, Kwang Soo failed again
- Tag labels: October, Monday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A tweak to the mindset, you can see the world differently
- A tweak to the mindset, you can get richer knowledge and wider experience
- A tweak to the mindset, you can get rich and successful in life
- 要赢人,就要先赢自己。如果连自己都不相信自己所卖的产品,怎样去说服人买?
- Everyone has two things in life: One is fear, another is hope. Fear is always the nemesis of our own self. Hope is just dream. It is the determination of whether wanting for a CHANGE or not
- Tag labels: October, Sunday, Life, Change
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Boring day, just boring
- Looking for Pokemon X and Y download links, with no ideal results
- It's time to search for some small games to play?
- And also finding side incomes!
- Tag labels: October, Saturday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Full optimization
- Must get the incentive as soon as possible
- Family Outing again
- Tag labels: October, Friday, Work, Family Outing
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Enjoy while you can
- T-ara's Number Nine is good! #티아라 #넘버나인
- It's gonna be a good night to fall asleep, after such heavy rain
- Rewatch some Monday Couple moments & Family Outing
- Tag labels: October, Thursday, Work, Kpop, Running Man, Family Outing
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Maybe it's time to realize the importance of optimization
- Achieve better results just to prove myself worthy
- Gathering more human resources, building stronger network
- A road, a backup for future
- Tag labels: October, Wednesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The Internship was quite good
- Google, one of the dream companies I would love to work with
- Let people search for you, instead you searching for people
- Incite the Googliness in you
- Tag labels: October, Tuesday, Work, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Say that to yourself everyday, eventually you will become one in future
- My thinking nowadays are revolving around MLM and how I will become success
- Tag labels: October, Monday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Finally finished with 难兄难弟,next drama is 卫斯理!
- First Koean class bonding
- I want to be rich, I will become rich
- Tag labels: October, Sunday, TVB, 难兄难弟, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Watch 难兄难弟 for the rest of the day
- Still can't accept the fact that Kara is still left with Gyuri, Hara & Seungyeon
- Tag labels: October, Saturday, 难兄难弟, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Had so much fun in office
- Quite sad KARA is not the same anymore without Nicole & Ji Young
- Kamilia will always be there to support you guys!
- Night gathering
- Sleepy night
- Tag labels: October, Friday, Work, Friends, Kara
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Watch old TVB drama: 难兄难弟
- No big happening, yet
- Tag labels: October, Thursday, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Movie night
- Guess I'll have no fate with the fortune?
- Everyday I'm telling myself I will be rich in future
- Law of Attraction please help me
- Tag labels: October, Wednesday, Life, Movie, Law of Attraction
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A whole day
- Lucky fortune? Lucky fortune for me soon
- October please be good to me
- Tag labels: October, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Last day of September
- Surprisingly passed the Display Advanced Exam
- One of the best Running Man episodes, Ji Suk Jin finally won a solo episode!
- Definitely a good day
- Tag labels: September, Monday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Slight sore throat
- Korean class, more learning, more knowledge
- Pirates of the Caribbean all the way
- Tag labels: September, Sunday, Korean, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Unexpected happenings
- Unexpected income? Unexpected accident? Unexpected money loss?
- Not a very good day, sleep for the rest of the day
- Crayon Pop Dancing Queen 2.0!
- The coolest girl group ever, cooler than SNSD
- Tag labels: September, Saturday, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Happy birthday my love and my motherfucking princess! #HappyBirthdayAvril
- So, the last day of oneFM 奖奖奖奖
- Rewatch Pirates of the Caribbean
- Tag labels: September, Friday, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Got some movies to watch
- Continue talking
- Maybe decided to join MLM? Do or die?
- Tag labels: September, Thursday, Life, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Second day of blackout
- Non productive day
- There are so many ways of earning money in this world, am I choosing the right one?
- Tag labels: September, Wednesday, Work, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Casual day
- Thinking for a solution
- Action speaks louder than words
- I'm gonna be rich in future. Law of Attraction
- Tag labels: September, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Toothache continues
- Begin to step out
- Debts everywhere
- I want to become fucking rich!
- Tag labels: September, Monday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #HappyHyoyeonDay #효연아생일축하해 Happy Trolling Hyoyeon day!
- Toothache and headache
- Can't resist the pain, guess it is time for me to find a dentist
- Tag labels: September, Sunday, Girls Generation
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Tiring day
- Set back of staying up for so late at night
- Tag labels: September, Saturday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Talking about Law of Attraction, I'm going to be rich in future :)
- Gathering at friend's house
- A great gathering night
- Gossips
- Tag labels: September, Friday, Friends, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Happy Mid Autumn Festival!
- And so, there goes RM13,000. Flew away. Can't do nothing but watch it flew away
- Complicated feeling, very complicated
- Tag labels: September, Thursday, Special, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Strategize to counter attack
- We'll see what happens tomorrow
- What does the fox say, Stonehenge? =D
- Tag labels: September, Wednesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I hate evil and cunning bitch
- Had a bad day
- Karma owns a GPS, it will eventually get to you soon
- Tag labels: September, Tuesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Gonna broke soon, like seriously
- Second attempt, second route in life?
- Kang Gary, the one who outshine Big Bang members in Episode 163
- Peaceful life, peaceful and harmony
- Tag labels: September, Monday, Life, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Second day, not a good day
- Rushing schedule
- Missed McDonald Olympic Fun Run Day
- Sore throat, lose voice
- Just too tired
- Tag labels: September, Sunday, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The two mimis from Penang
- Warm welcome, money welcome
- First time clubbing in my life
- Awesome night
- Tag labels: September, Saturday, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Always out of sudden throw shit for us
- First half day was good, second half day was bad
- Got lost in Kepong
- Still the old meeting with friends
- Tag labels: September, Friday, Work, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- At least we can slack back abit
- MasterChef Season 4 is probably the best season ever
- So glad Luca won and made history, the first ever MasterChef male winner!
- Fighting for a surviving way
- Maybe this might work
- Maybe it's time for me to step out from my comfort zone
- Tag labels: September, Thursday, Life, MasterChef
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Closer and closer
- I see slight hope, slightest hope
- Listening songs at night. Those awesome feelings!
- Oh gawd who can teach me that Wedding Dress dance?
- Wedding Dress beats all the Kpop songs I have heard so far
- Tag labels: September, Wednesday, Songs
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- New understanding towards Panpages
- Workload coming soon, very very soon
- Must get serious soon
- Tag labels: September, Tuesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Blackout twice, in a day
- That's why, today is a rather weird day
- Unfinished work, piled up
- Bar Bar Bar v2.0. I expected better, but oh well. Waiting for their new song!
- Still waiting for the day when Suk Jin wins a solo match
- Tag labels: September, Monday, Work, Crayon Pop, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Must get sufficient sleep
- Planning for next gathering
- QPA gathering, the good old days with hectic life
- Next week, my life in work will be a miserable & hectic one
- Tag labels: September, Sunday, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Shopping day
- Raining day
- Sleeping day
- Watched 古惑仔激情篇洪興大飛哥
- Saturday night, dagachi chumeul chwoyo 다같이 춤을 춰요
- Gonna revise some work soon
- Due date is coming soon
- Tag labels: September, Saturday, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Workload, overload
- Like seriously, things don't come when you're free
- When it comes, it comes in bulk
- Headache, headache, headache
- What's so good anymore about Facebook if you can't voice out your opinion? Twitter is better
- At least I can spam
- Tag labels: September, Friday, Work, Twitter
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Nice songs from Girls Generation
- Love oneFM Morning Kaki so much
- Best DJ pairs ever
- Tag labels: September, Thursday, Girls Generation, oneFM
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Awkward, again
- Must kill the awkwardness?
- Nearly got robbed at SS2. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you
- Bleach is back! Can't wait for Zaraki to activate beast mode
- Tag labels: September, Wednesday, Work, Bleach
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Cool, chilling weather
- Unfinished work
- Gossip gossip
- 钱不够用,很想捞偏门
- The super traffic jam day
- Tag labels: September, Tuesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The hectic day
- Government: Two-faced asshole
- After election, foreigner workers being caught, petrol's price increased
- Totally do not enjoy the latest Running Man episode
- Tag labels: September, Monday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- First day of September, chill
- Korean Language, 이게 뭐예요?
- Chilling weather, chillax
- Lessen my workload for tomorrow
- 안돼애애애애!
- Tag labels: September, Sunday, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Happy Independence Day! Tanggal 31!
- Hari Merdeka meets water crisis
- Then, the sky starts to rain to save us from water crisis
- DotA 2 whole day. Practice practice
- Tag labels: August, Saturday, Special, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- On work: Impromptu decision!
- Took and passed the Google Adwords Fundamental test
- Good mood!
- Congratulations on Crayon Pop's first win! #CrayonPop1stWin #BarBarBar1stWin
- Told you everyone would go crazy because Crayon Pop won. "When something is not part of their plan, they start to lose their mind" - Joker
- Fuck you haters anyway
- Continue watching 矛盾大对决
- Tag labels: August, Friday, Work, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 5/5
- Still able to wake up without yawning!
- Continue watching 矛盾大对决
- Tag labels: August, Thursday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Still can't social yet, different people different interest
- Love the Japanese show: Strongest vs Strongest
- Badminton with college friends, good old gathering days
- Indeed, friends that are close will always be close
- Tag labels: August, Wednesday, Friends, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Not feeling well at work
- Something is missing? Socialism... is missing?
- Hate DotA 2 bots, fucking ksers with no teamwork
- Tag labels: August, Tuesday, Work, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Traditional attire party at company!
- Had a super great lunch with colleagues
- Nando's was really awesome and delicious!
- It's good to know the company is opposition-oriented, GOOD
- Had a great dinner, great night
- The best Running Man episode in 2013: Episode 2013
- Laughed till I headache and stomach ache
- Tag labels: August, Monday, Work, Special, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 5/5
- The news struck me for few hours, hope father is alright and be healthy
- Today Korean lesson is much worthy
- Much better progress
- Crayon Pop is getting famous, are we there yet?
- Tag labels: August, Sunday, Korean, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- DotA 2 heroes training
- Old feeling is getting back
- Weekly gathering with Nicholas
- The basketball feeling is back! Midnight basketball is so much fun!
- Tag labels: August, Saturday, Friends, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Don't feel like doing anything
- Just don't
- DotA 2 practice
- Tomorrow is gonna a busy yet relax day?
- Tag labels: August, Friday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Optimization
- Difficult life
- What's missing in my life now?
- What's next?
- Tag labels: August, Thursday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Chinese calender date 14th July, tragic happens in Genting
- Kara's new song, I can live with that
- Sneezing spree again, not good not good
- Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, sounds good for me
- Practice my DotA skills
- Tag labels: August, Wednesday, Kara, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #HappyHaHaDay Happy HaHa Day! Ya, Pororo da~!
- And therefore, more workload incoming in future
- Avril Lavigne's latest MV, so much Rock n Roll with the pop punk princess
- Time to get a little bit more serious on work tomorrow
- Revise Running Man & Family Outing
- Tag labels: August, Tuesday, Running Man, Family Outing, Work, Avril Lavigne
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Back to work
- Embarrassed moment
- Abit regret for not going for Linkin Park's concert
- Fuck it. Tonight is Linkin Park night!
- Monday Couple moments overloaded in Episode 159
- Tag labels: August, Monday, Linkin Park, Running Man, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Done with Golden Faith 流金岁月, 卫斯理 next?
- Another yumcha session with old friends
- Bullshit at the best
- Tag labels: August, Sunday, TVB, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A tea session with Nicholas
- 时间可以淡化兴趣
- Maybe it's time to lessen my interest
- Time to do something meaningful?
- Tag labels: August, Saturday, Life, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Kwang Soo in Singapore, *Saint Agnes and the Burning Brain*
- What a weird day in work. Totally AWKWARD and WEIRD
- HTC One: The one and only
- Tag labels: August, Friday, Work, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #32ndMongJiDay Happy Mong Ji Day! Mong Ji Mong Ji Mong Ji Song Ji Hyo
- A slack
- So finally it is decided. An One. HTC One
- Waiting for the day when Crayon Pop becomes super famous
- Continue 流金岁月 Golden Faith
- Tag labels: August, Thursday, Running Man, Crayon Pop, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #Happy42ndYooDay Happy birthday Yoo Jae Suk! Step by Step!
- Email is the war zone communication medium
- "Fighting" through emails is so fun, yet scary at the same time
- 笑里藏刀
- X-Men movies are so fun to watch. Always hunger for the mutant powers
- Tag labels: August, Wednesday, Work, Movie, X-Men, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Happy lefthanders day!
- Work leftover
- Gonna get some side income soon
- If I'm a billionaire, I will give my best friends each 1 million
- Tag labels: August, Tuesday, Work, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Reality slap. Still glad that Orange could get third place in The International!
- If nothing restricts me, I would like to become a professional gamer too
- Back to work, with a lot shits to clear
- Frustrated when I have to do things that wasn't my fault
- Latest Running Man, laughed like shit during Kwang Soo's mission
- The final mission is a creative and good one. Much like Saw
- Tag labels: August, Monday, The International 2013, DotA 2, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Triple 2, indeed a special day
- What a play! Worth staying up
- That Magnus Reverse Polarity & Dark Seer Vacuum play
- So much skills synchronization, so beautiful to watch
- Keep the momentum up when fighting Na`Vi later
- Even getting a third place is fine for me! You guys deserved it
- Tag labels: August, Sunday, Special, The International 2013, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Orange's mistake costs the game
- Hope that they can fight back later
- Please, make my holiday worth it!
- Typical Malaysians. Ass licking when someone wins; insults and rage when someone loses
- Movie night
- Tag labels: August, Saturday, The International 2013, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Unexpected results
- Mushi & LGD lost, hope the same won't happen on Orange tomorrow
- Afternoon nap gave me a lot "nightmare"
- 是否願意今生,陪我一陣,橫豎你也是得一個人?
- 從此我發現,寂寞是有點根源。只得我,沒入人潮裡兜圈
- Golden Faith for whole night
- Tag labels: August, Friday, The International 2013, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The International 2013 continues
- Overslept and found out Orange lost to Na`Vi
- Fight back from the loser bracket!
- The All Stars match was the funniest DotA 2 match I've ever seen
- Took a nice nap and charged up for late night live broadcast
- Tag labels: August, DotA 2, The International 2013
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Holiday mood, half day
- Mr. Go is definitely a touching movie, although the movie is quite okay only
- Rooting Orange all the way
- Is it worth waking up at 3.00am later? #ti3 #orange
- Tag labels: August, Wednesday, Movie, The International 2013, Orange
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Work fast, very very fast
- Selamat Hari Raya, coming soon
- Orange vs Na`Vi on 8 August. Lets hope for miracle
- Rooting for Orange all the way!
- Tag labels: August, Tuesday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Super pumped up with mood to finish up the work
- Gonna finish at least half of the given work before holiday
- #9irls6eneration #6yearswithSNSD It has been a year since I liked Girls Generation
- Now, waiting for Crayon Pop & KARA to become more famous
- Suk Jin, my new favourite Running Man member. He changed so much since 2013
- Tag labels: August, Monday, Work, Girls Generation, Kpop, Crayon Pop, Kara, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Another Korean class, with a young 20 years old 선생님, 김현우
- Good lay back day, but kinda feel regret for not doing so work
- X-Men movies for the whole night
- Gonna have OT tomorrow
- Tag labels: August, Sunday, Korean, X-Men, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Comfortable and peaceful day
- Wolverine was okay, but the ending gave me a chill
- Professor X and Magneto is back babe!
- Tag labels: August, Saturday, X-Men, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- So it begins the workload
- Progress in knowing more people. Give me some time :)
- Another comfortable night outing with friends
- Just a comfortable one
- Quite a happy day
- Tag labels: August, Friday, Work, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- #Happy25thPinkMonsterDay #파니야생일축하해 Happy Birthday Fany Fany Tiffany!
- Definitely can take a short break in life
- But not in work I guess
- Foreseeing some very busy weeks in future
- Dagachi won! Ppa ppa ppa ppa ppa ppa ppa ppa!
- Tag labels: August, Thursday, Girls Generation, Kpop, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Last day in July, last breathe
- Gonna have mental breakdown soon
- So many work, at once
- Leaving the office for "personal work" makes me feel so stressful
- But then, I survived a hectic day. A real hectic one
- Dodgeball game makes me feel a bit stupid. Why am I so stupid when it comes to sports?
- Tag labels: July, Wednesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Tag labels: July, Tuesday, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 这个世界上,没有说谁少了谁是不行的。就算我一个人,也可以活得精彩
- If you were reading this, what's wrong with our friendship? Why didn't we converse for almost a year?
- Mood ruined in the morning by bosses
- Preparing for Google AdWords exam, time is limited
- Ji Suk Jin with burning desired and determination to win rocks! Hope he can perform better in future game!
- Tag labels: July, Monday, Life, Work, Friends, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- First step closer to Korean
- First class ain't that bad, although I know most of the basics
- Bonding with friends, movie later
- Pacific Rim is the combination of Ultraman + Power Rangers + Independence Day + The Core + Real Steel
- Continue for my Google AdWords studies
- Tag labels: July, Sunday, Friends, Movie, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Finally they signed the tenancy agreement
- I can worry less now
- Freaking sneezing for the whole night
- Studying for Google AdWords examination
- Small unusual gathering at Kayu SS2 again
- The few last places that I can gather before moving to Shah Alam
- Tag labels: July, Saturday, Work, Studies, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Got conned by owner again. GODDAMN IT
- A holiday equals no holiday for me
- Can't even rest properly
- A small gathering with those mah lat lou(s)
- Tag labels: July, Friday, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A casual day
- Prepare for tomorrow. A better tomorrow please
- Facepalmed so hard when I learned that someone does not know about Linkin Park
- Casual night with strawberry milk and watch Running Man
- Tag labels: July, Thursday, Life, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Nearly "loss" my phone
- Scared the shit out of me for nothing
- So the fuss continues
- Lazy to attend the talk, traffic jam everywhere
- Tag labels: July, Wednesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Haze strikes Malaysia again
- Golden Faith, 流金岁月
- Jumping, hey jumping, hey everybody
- Tag labels: July, Tuesday, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Holy goddamn it, can you stop making my life hard Ms Owner?
- Whole evening mood being ruined by you
- Running Man with brilliant concept. Always amazed
- Tag labels: July, Monday, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Officially a Crayon Pop fan
- Missed those old TVB dramas
- If I have time, I will download all those TVB dramas!
- Tag labels: July, Sunday, Crayon Pop, Kpop, TVB
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The owner and tenant are giving me headache at the same time
- Goddamn it, spend some time for me to sign the goddamn contract also cannot meh?
- Wanna study for Fundamental of Google AdWords, but left the notes at company
- Plants vs Zombies are getting tougher
- Revise Running Man episodes
- Tag labels: July, Saturday, Work, Plants vs Zombies 2, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Google can be so successful because it has high bounce rate
- A good meeting and training, but I felt super sleepy
- Ain't that bad after having lunch with big bosses and managers
- This weekend will be a hectic one
- A meeting with college friends is so much fun and joy
- Tag labels: July, Friday, Work, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Mixed rice, only RM3 + iced tea. Where to find?
- Crayon Pop, super entertaining and funny girl group
- BingBing, Saturday Night, Dancing Queen, Bar Bar Bar
- Hopefully this weekend can pass peacefully and smoothly
- Tag labels: July, Thursday, Kpop, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Time to have some Korean Language lessons!
- Reading Facebook posts made me laughed hard
- 以前我喜欢一个人,现在我喜欢一个人
- Tag labels: July, Wednesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Freaking sick
- Shouldn't have ate the Nasi Lemak Ayam yesterday night
- Sore throat + heavy flu + headache
- At least right now it is a good progress in knowing more people
- Tag labels: July, Tuesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- First day back to work, every seems normal... And cold..?
- Running Man Asian Dream Cup 2013, super funny
- Literally laugh my ass off
- Fell sick, sneezing nonstop
- Tag labels: July, Monday, Running Man, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Happy Betrayal Birthday to the one and only human giraffe, Lee Kwang Soo! #29thBetrayerGiraffeDay
- Plants vs Zombies 2 all day
- Freaking disturbed by the property work, goddamn
- Tag labels: July, Sunday, Plants vs Zombies 2
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Follow up, hopefully everything will be fine
- 就因为你不是女人,才会有不同的待遇
- What's the fuss for... toy? Minion toy? People just follow trend blindly
- Plants vs Zombies 2 all the way!
- Abaddon's model looks freaking awesome
- Tag labels: July, Saturday, Life, Plants vs Zombies 2, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Back to Malaysia!
- So many things happened during the trip: Areum's news, Sunny's Twitter & Instagram, Plants vs Zombies 2
- Running Man Episode 153, funniest shit in a while
- Episode with Park Ji Sung comes with a guaranteed laughter
- The old format is getting back!
- Have to deal & persuade the owner tomorrow
- Sigh
- Tag labels: July, Friday, Trip, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Went to Avenue of Stars again in the morning
- Then to 中环至半山自动扶梯,the place where all the members on guessing mission
- Then to 朗豪坊,the place where all the Hong Kong Running Man fans crowded the mall and made it to the newspaper headline
- Basically, I have to go 昂坪360,海洋公园,九龙公园 in future to complete my mission
- Back to 深圳 on the late evening
- Fell sick
- So many "水"灾 happened on me during the whole trip
- Tag labels: July, Thursday, Trip, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Dislike travelling with father
- First station: 尖沙咀
- Then to 旺角女人街,深水埗
- Travel with an unsatisfied feeling, next time I shall come Hong Kong alone
- Then to Victoria Peak, the place where Gary, Kwang Soo & Suk Jin on singing mission
- Then to Avenue of Stars, the place where the rest of members on singing mission
- Too bad with low quality camera, couldn't capture good pictures
- I'll be back!
- Tag labels: July, Wednesday, Trip, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Last day in Guilin
- Visit 世外桃源
- Sleeping in bus with bed, so freaking uncomfortable
- Really excited for Hong Kong trip
- Tag labels: July, Tuesday, Trip
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 三分形象,七分想象
- 九把刀is a really good theorist and analyst
- Cave adventure: 蝴蝶泉,银子岩
- The most beautiful natural 钟乳石洞 I have ever went
- A good day to rest
- Tag labels: July, Monday, Trip
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 阳朔,阳缩
- 啤酒鱼,taste bad
- Overhyped or different taste?
- Bad day, my precious 杀手 being damaged by water
- The night market 西街,looks so much like Jonker Street
- Tag labels: July, Sunday, Trip
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Day to China
- Guilin, 很贵的林
- China people waste food like shit
- Impression definitely dropped
- Wonder why China banned most of the famous social media like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc
- Tag labels: July, Saturday, Trip
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Nothing to do in office
- Just waiting, and waiting
- Testing with Ragnarok Online before going China
- Tag labels: July, Friday, Ragnarok Online
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Finally can relax a bit on work
- HTC One will be my target after coming back from China
- Really need a good vacation
- Tag labels: July, Thursday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I dreamt of my plane crashed into the sea, and I'm going to China soon. Final Destination?
- I don't care, I love it
- Tag labels: July, Wednesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Half day work
- HTC One is a beast
- Watched 粗口叮当 for the whole night. Hilarious shit
- Tag labels: July, Tuesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Busy for whole day, even after work
- Stay happy while you're working in the job you've chosen
- Running Man's rating is getting better
- Bring back old format and you're good!
- Bring back Spy Mission & Morning Call Mission!
- Tag labels: July, Monday, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Last day on June
- It is late to say, but what the hell man! #서현아생일축하해 #HappyBirthdaySeohyun Happy Birthday Seohyun!
- Attack on Titan, quite an interesting manga
- Wanted to do some Adwords, but the listings haven't activate yet
- Going China next week, can't wait
- Kpop parodies
- Tag labels: June, Sunday, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Busy day driving around
- A successful deal, a pat for myself
- Seems like a lot of things happen today
- Meet up with old friends, remember old days
- HTC One in red color is freaking gorgeous
- Tag labels: June, Saturday, Life, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Screwed up with parking. Won't do that again
- Joe is an asshole, always holding a grudge on somemore
- My head hurts a lot after listening to Vincent. But I agree every single thing he said
- Life is so realistic man, it is all about money
- Tag labels: June, Friday, Work, Life, MasterChef
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Haze is gone
- Love the interactions within the company
- Miss RO suddenly, hopefully I can play it again with passion
- Tag labels: June, Thursday, Work, Ragnarok Online
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Haze is reducing
- Huge workload coming soon
- Jordon's property talk is always that entertainment and fun to listen
- Do you think that replacing the manual driving with auto driving is good?
- I personally think that this will make the people become more lazier and cause a huge price changes to car industry
- Tag labels: June, Wednesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- So the Running Man finally decided to come Malaysia?
- Hope it wasn't a fake news
- So much to learn on Google AdWords
- Must save some money tomorrow onwards
- Tag labels: June, Tuesday, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Heavy haze today
- Love all the haze memes
- Taking over the job scope, gonna get use to it
- Running Man episode 151, one of the classic RM styles
- Best Running Man episode in 2013 I supposed
- Tag labels: June, Monday, Running Man, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Seems like a success deal. Yes
- The haze is heavier than yesterday
- Couldn't find any link for Asian Dream Cup 2013 full match
- Tag labels: June, Sunday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Haze reaches PJ
- Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to receive good news from the tenants
- I'm a fan with saint, unlike crazy people who go every idol's concert
- Tag labels: June, Saturday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- My mentor, Elaine's last day
- Hope it ain't gonna be hard for me because she isn't around me
- Haze is getting more serious, I must get tougher: in work and life
- The awkward moment when you almost have the same name as Kwon Ji Yong, while you're not famous at all
- And I'll be worship because my name is similar to Kwon Ji Yong #justkidding
- Hail HYDRA!
- Tag labels: June, Friday, Work, Kpop, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Windows 8 sucks to the max
- I went for jogging training, just when I back home then I realized the Olympic Day Fun Run has been postponed
- Tag labels: June, Thursday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Seriously, my driving skill today was so terrible
- Felt so sorry for Elaine
- Meeting colleagues with common interest is fun at work
- Ichigo with new Zanpakuto, badass.
- Tag labels: June, Wednesday, Work, Bleach
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Must get a lot more quicker
- I guess I'll leave a bad impression to the company soon
- Must control myself from picking up phone calls
- Tag labels: June, Tuesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- First day on work, wasn't too bad
- Keywords marketing, might take some practices to play around
- Small gathering with Weng Tat and Ai Vee, it is all about working life right now
- Very messed up Running Man Avengers fight. PDs should have avoided that
- Some powers are useless too, oh my god. What happened to those Episode 74's powers?
- Tag labels: June, Monday, Work, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Run run run, feel like throwing up
- At least I enjoyed the result
- A very awkward Father's Day
- We'll see what happen tomorrow
- Tag labels: June, Sunday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The awesome feeling seeing Sparta 10 meters away from me
- Last day seeing Kim Jong Kook at Malaysia
- The unbeatable 11-0 Visage streak has been broken
- Gonna start running tomorrow onward, no matter WHAT!
- Tag labels: June, Saturday, Running Man, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and now Yuri. More to come Instagram please!
- A little bit of regret for not able to attend Kim Jong Kook's showcase
- My tweeting journey has been long. Hope that more friends will be active in Twitter too!
- I must salute women because they are freaking good at spending time on phone
- Watching Kitchen Nightmares for whole freaking day
- Tag labels: June, Friday, Kitchen Nightmares, Kpop, Girls Generation
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Got the job, right now I have to slowly climb to the top!
- Hopefully I can enjoy the process
- Choices to make in life. Deep down sad
- Seeing those Kim Jong Kook's pictures on Facebook makes me feel sad for a moment. Anyway, #WelcomeToMalaysiaKJK
- Tag labels: June, Thursday, Running Man, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Successful interview, now awaiting for good news
- Hopefully I can get the job, it's been part of my dream to work with, if not associates with Google
- Keep calm, and enjoy life first
- Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is freaking cute and fun! Love the brilliant concept
- Tag labels: June, Wednesday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Damn, raining makes me feel so lazy to go out and run
- Gonna start running soon
- Finish one Killer
- Upcoming job interview, best of luck
- Tag labels: June, Tuesday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Keep travelling
- Bought Killer series, time to spend my week wisely with readings and running
- Fucked up by traffic jam, I really hope that I can ride motorbike
- Good Running Man episode, at least the front missions are related to the last mission. Keep on going!
- Tag labels: June, Monday, Giddens Ko, 九把刀, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I had a bad night, 7am+ only able to sleep
- 宁愿没拥抱共你能够终老,任由你来去自如在我心底仍爱慕
- Another yumcha session
- Running Man with Avengers concept next week, I still can't accept the fact that Ji Suk Jin is the Hulk
- Tag labels: June, Sunday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Girls Generation World Tour? When is Malaysia's turn? #2013GGWorldTour
- A quite comfortable yumcha session
- Life is short when it is all about work
- Tag labels: June, Saturday, Girls Generation, Friends, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The new Malaysia Passport looks so freaking ridiculous and ugly
- 对自己想要有一个制度
- Hope can get have self-discipline. Get a good job!
- The heat wave for today is extremely abnormal
- Tag labels: June, Friday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- System has changed after election, super long queue at Immigration Office
- Rainbow - Sunshine
- Listen to 阿福's songs, lovely, calm and cute songs
- Gonna close at least one freaking deal
- Tag labels: June, Thursday, Kpop, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Kubo mindfuck level 99, a plot twist to Bleach once again
- Not an interesting talk, but definitely widen my knowledge towards property
- I'm just gonna wait, and wait
- Tag labels: June, Wednesday, Work, Bleach
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Listen back to some nice Koean musics, Kpop ftw!
- “真正重要的东西一定不会失去,会失去的,就一定不是真正重要的。” - 九把刀
- Seriously need a vacation soon, China next month! Must get off from Malaysia for awhile
- I gotta use new foul words to scold people soon. Pe你妈妈an
- Tag labels: June, Tuesday, Kpop, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 突然间空虚
- At least I expressed out my feeling
- Gonna start my training soon
- I'm gonna visit Taiwan, Korea and Egypt one day. And maybe visit UK again!
- Tag labels: June, Monday, Work, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Taeyeon cup in the house
- 一切都是过眼云烟,一切都是浮云
- Finished Digimon World 2, maybe it is time for Digimon World 3?
- Gonna settle my work tomorrow, no more procrastinate
- Tag labels: June, Sunday, Digimon World 2, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- First day of June, first day where my fellow friends arrived UK!
- Words can't describe how envy am I right now
- One of my friends is near success in love, when will be my turn?
- Read 《杀手 - 回光返照的命运》
- Going to finish my Digimon World 2 tomorrow
- Tag labels: June, Saturday, Friends, Life, Digimon World 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Last day of May, last day my fellow friends will be in Malaysia
- Envy them much, hope to be able to go UK again
- Hopefully I can get a better job
- Now, every topic will be about work, money and future
- Miss student life
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Friends, Life, Work, Digimon World 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #윤아야생일축하해 #Happy24thYoonaDay #DEERYOONADAY #2013HyomDay Happy Birthday to Yoona, Hyomin and Ailee! So much happenings!
- Farewell with friend, envy them at the same time
- Continue Digimon World 2
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Girls Generation, Korean, Digimon World 2, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 我们人生只有一条路,就是死路,因为谁都是要死的
- I will try to close one more deal, before considering to quit
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Envy friend's result in work. How bout my work? Pathetic results, it's all my fault
- Looks like I'll be joining McDonald Olympic Day Run myself
- I miss Sheffield so much, it's going to be 1 year "anniversary" soon. Feel like going back there for vacation
- Try playing Digimon World 2, it is a pain in the ass game
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Work, Life, Digimon World 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Abit empty on work
- A much better episode compared to last week. More interaction between members and everyone got the equal screen time
- Crash Team Racing makes my fingers pain
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Work, Running Man, Crash Bandicoot
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I think MasterChef is getting more entertaining to watch than Hell's Kitchen. Too much freaking drama and fakeness on Hell's Kitchen
- As long as you post food pictures, you will definitely get likes. Social media facts
- Should try bungee jump and sky diving once. Conquer my fear
- Orange should try different lineup next time, stop using Nyx Assassin and Gyrocopter
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Life, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Wesak Day, at least I did good by accompanying parents to the temple
- Had some fun killing survivors, and that's the end
- Not gonna lie, I got a little bit disappointed and depress today
- One day, I might die by accident and no one would know about it at all
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Left 4 Dead 2, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- So Tiffany Hwang smiled and waved at me yesterday. But it was just a dream
- Should start trying to sell DeSkye Residence
- Having so much fun playing Left 4 Dead 2 with brother, as infected
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Work, Left 4 Dead 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- “民主要进步,当然新闻要自由。所谓的自由就是不侵犯他人的自由,才叫做自由。但是呢,当新闻媒体戴上这个无冕王的王冠时,老百姓就是手无寸铁的,什么都不是。” - 吴宗宪。 Well defined Malaysia's current freedom of media and speech
- Got my first 1.6k commission
- The REAL debt life will soon start
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Jacky Wu, Work, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Arguing with some hardcore fans are so much fun
- I'm still sane enough to judge things and not following and approving them blindly
- Being forced to use an iPhone
- Time to get some deal done tomorrow
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Watch those Jacky Wu's videos
- Disappointed Running Man episode, they make it so obvious for Song Ji Hyo to win
- Can they make the future episodes as interesting as 2011's ones?
- Can Ji Suk Jin just win once?
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Running Man, Jacky Wu
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- “人家说,那个硬,心就软;那个软,心就硬。” - 吴宗宪
- Rewatch some old 我猜 clips, old days
- Taiwan we have 吴宗宪, Korea we have Yoo Jae Suk
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Taiwan, Korea
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Peaceful
- Tired
- Sleepy
- Normal
- Tag labels: May, Saturday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Basically another day with Crash Bandicoot
- And my hands feel numb, my head feels pain
- Girls' Generation with their Love & Girls, looks so much like Wonder Girls' Like This
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Crash Bandicoot, Girls Generation
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Cheesy lines
- Crash Bandicoot 1 will always be the hardest ever in Crash Bandicoot series
- Can't believe there are people who live in their own delusional world and don't take criticism at all
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Crash Bandicoot
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #순규야생일축하해 #Happy25thSunnyDay Happy Birthday Sunny!
- Replay some old PS games like Crash Bandicoot
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Girls Generation, Crash Bandicoot
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- It is a good RM episode, it has been awhile since I laugh so hard. Too bad my favorite team lost and it is very obvious that they let them win
- I just realized my phone's memory card finally has problem in the morning
- Time to change phone I guess
- Then, headache strikes me
- Perhaps I will go for HTC One, because I still have freaking 465 pounds
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Traveling around
- Follow up job is quite tiring. I wonder what happens if I met a super annoying customer or owner?
- And I got conned by my colleague, damn
- The weather is freaking hot that my ice cream melts within 3 minutes, and I drank 10 glasses of water within 2 hours
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Supposedly Asia Super Showcase 2013 day got cancelled, become normal day
- But it ain't just normal day, it is Mother's Day!
- 这个母亲节虽然天气超热,但是妈妈还是认得
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Normal day
- Rewatch back old videos
- Tag labels: May, Saturday, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- "There was something beyond language. Something beyond language is music. Music makes everyone united." - PSY
- Something sparks from my mind. Why did BN request for recount?
- Normally we have recount when the results are almost the same, but when the difference is big, can recount reduce the big difference?
- Unless I have missed out something important. It doesn't make any sense at all
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Politics, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5