- 对很多事情都厌倦了
- Failed again
- Luck is not with me recently
- 封神榜 journey starts
- Tag labels: April, Tuesday, Work, 封神榜
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Mistake at work, hopefully nothing goes wrong on renting deal tomorrow
- The only thing I want to complain about Iron Man 3 was the Mandarin. Totally speechless on how they twist that villain
- T-ARA N4's Jeon Won Diary is so addicting
- Couldn't be the first to call in for the contest, nevermind I'll try it everyday until I success
- Maybe it's time to become "inactive" in Facebook for awhile
- No one cares anyway
- Tag labels: April, Monday, Kpop, Movie, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Graduation day, finally ends everything related to TARC and SHU
- Small gathering with Ciew Boon, Yin Jin, Seow Wen and Joe King
- But then, it's tiring for the whole day. Super blurry mind right now
- Positive Law of Attraction. I must win tomorrow's contest! I must complete a renting deal tomorrow!
- And hopefully, next week BN will be going down
- Tag labels: April, Sunday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- This Sunday, next Sunday, next next Sunday. I love Sundays
- Hopefully I can get to rent our a house. Luck lai liao! Law of Attraction!
- Orange always lose when they pick Dragon Knight, they should consider playing a safer hero lineup next time?
- Tomorrow, last convocation
- Tag labels: April, Saturday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Sneezing again
- Maybe opportunity appears again? Hopefully hopefully hopefully
- Taeyeon is at UK right now. I'm so sad
- Okay, 2013 Girls' Generation World Tour is announced today. If Malaysia is one of the tour destination, I'll skip Asia Super Showcase
- Tag labels: April, Friday, Girls Generation, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Couldn't find prospect seller
- Too aggressive lah you, you will leave bad impression towards buyers
- Emptiness again
- Must properly use my Law of Attraction again! Positive thoughts attract positive results
- Tag labels: April, Thursday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Property problems: Supply does not meet with demand, and the opportunity will slip away
- Digest what Sean How said. Everything he said is well analyzed and straight into my mind. 一针见血
- I'm glad to able to meet this friend
- Sean How and Keng Hwa are the only two friends that will always hit my dead spot, understand my problem
- 坚持信念!
- Tag labels: April, Wednesday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Emptiness. When my life becomes empty, I start to think about nonsense and future
- Worried. Scared. Stressed
- Don't know whether this is my correct decision or not
- Wanted to go Asia Super Showcase. But I don't want to take risk, later waste RM200+ just to see Girls Generation for only a short time, from a far place. But then if don't see them now, I don't know when will they coming back to Malaysia. ARGH. CONFUSED MIND
- Tag labels: April, Tuesday, Life, Girls Generation
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I hope miracle would suddenly happen, that someone will spare me tickets to Asia Super Showcase 2013
- The Asia Super Showcase 2013 ads in Youtube made me so damn depress
- If I were rich, I would attend every concert held by my favourite artists
- Tag labels: April, Monday, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Triple "1"
- Next Sunday, and then next next Sunday
- Hopefully I can rent a few units. Selling units will be even better
- Good business is coming in?
- Michelle Yeoh thus then becomes the victim of the political war. She shouldn't have commented about politics
- Don't hate Michelle Yeoh. She's just voicing her opinions only. Opposition supporters shouldn't be so extreme to shoot her
- Looking at my past 暗恋 experience in 2011, it was a bitter, stupid yet memorable memories
- Luckily I'm totally okay with it already! Guess nothing beats me down right now
- I wanted to go to Escape Park in Penang so badly
- Tag labels: April, Sunday, Work, Life, Politics, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The beginning of nomination day
- The politics war officially starts now
- Finally can use back DAP logo, hope BN won't play dirty tricks anymore. #fingercrossed
- 1:41 sing until halfway can sneeze. Only Kim Taeyeon can do it:
- Tag labels: April, Saturday, Politics
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Political assassination, tsk tsk tsk. What else the government won't do?
- Done key in all the Five Stones listings, now pray!
- Yumcha sessions nowadays are all about working life. How sad?
- Tag labels: April, Friday, Life, Work, Politics
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #Happy25thJessDay #시카야생일축하해 Happy Birthday Jessica Jung! STRESS!
- Oh my god, so much listings need to be posted
- And now BN with his dirty tricks. Goddamnit
- Lets pray that miracle happen during May 5th
- Tag labels: April, Thursday, Work, Girls Generation, Politics
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I freaking hate people who are late for appointment or anything
- There are always chances, just depends on how you venture into them
- Want to take initiative, but bad habits are killing me
- I think I will simplify my 2013 resolutions: To get rid of my procrastination bad habit
- Tag labels: April, Wednesday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Obsessed with Goddess Park Gyuri, love her self-confidence and arrogance
- Watched some Infinity Challenge episodes
- The idol groups that I currently like: Girls' Generation, f(x), Kara
- Tag labels: April, Tuesday, Kpop, Korean, Girls Generation, f(x), Kara
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Done with f(x) videos
- Normal episode for Running Man. As expected no "Stress" from Jessica and no action from her. But at least Lee Kwang Soo won
- Tag labels: April, Monday, f(x), Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Sneezing for the whole day, goddamnit
- People are stupid sometimes. Of course Gentleman won't beat Gangnam Style, they thought PSY created this song to beat Gangnam Style
- PSY just want to create something fun. He doesn't care about getting approvals from you idiots
- You idiots are the one who made him famous, now you said he is a one hit wonder. Idiots really don't know what they are talking about
- Finally finished with Family Outing downloads
- Continuing f(x) Koala!
- Tag labels: April, Sunday, Kpop, Family Outing, f(x)
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Continue watching f(x) videos
- YG family at #happening concert
- PSY with his Single Ladies, omfg
- And he being a total asshole in his new MV, gentleman
- Love the Abracadabra dance
- Tag labels: April, Saturday, Kpop, f(x)
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Learn more about f(x)
- Compared with Girls Generation, I like everyone in f(x). Such a harmony and energetic group
- Great gathering with Boon Seong, Mun Wah, Chuan Meng, and Joon Yeep
- Tag labels: April, Friday, f(x)
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Sean How, the one person that always speaks up my mind, my thoughts
- Truthfully appreciate the advice
- Next, tough week
- Tag labels: April, Thursday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The 100th day blogging in 2013
- Guess I never being easy on giving up blogging? Should've transfered this traits into work
- North Korea is going to bomb South Korea, whereas PKR is going to bomb BN
- Fucking traffic jam trapped me for 2 hours
- Tag labels: April, Wednesday, Work, Life, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Lost in life again
- Having a confused mind
- Avril Lavigne's new song, Here's To Never Growing Up
- Tag labels: April, Tuesday, Avril Lavigne, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- At last, I got some knowledge about property loan and agreement. Good start for my future
- Something I learn about Sones. Most of them have are so mainstream that they bashed/criticized other girl groups. This is a fact
- "The thing about being human is, if you meet people, you'll have to part with them. And if you part with them, you'll meet them again."
- 怎样再好的一段友情也可以受到时间的考验的。想必道个歉也解决不了吧?
- 有时候,你是可以察觉到事情的不一样。很多事,都不一样了,不对劲了,但是你就是很难开出口,就是不知道要怎样挽回
- Love the latest Running Man, plot twist to the max. But it was definitely a good one in a while
- Tag labels: April, Monday, Life, Work, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Forgot to attend the talk
- Invincible Youth spree
- The dinner was good though, miss the pork leg
- Tag labels: April, Sunday, Invincible Youth
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Call of Duty baby version makes me laugh
- Kim Tae Woo, one of the best male vocals in Korea
- And then another normal download day
- Tag labels: April, Saturday, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Downloads
- Get useless achievements
- Continue variety show
- 多情自古空余恨,此恨绵绵无绝期
- Tag labels: April, Friday, Heart of the Swarm, Invincible Youth
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Coughing like godlike, feeling the lungs bleeding
- Being sick is no fun. Hands no energy
- Glad to see Orange.Esports is doing well in tournaments. Can't wait for their action in The International 3
- Tag labels: April, Thursday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- After sore throat, there comes cough
- Gwiyomi spree nowadays. At least it is better than Harlem Shake
- Can't wait for PSY's new single next week. For then, it might(?) murder Harlem Shake and Gwiyomi
- Dissolution of Parliament, there goes the reign of Barisan Nasional. It will come to an end soon
- Tag labels: April, Wednesday, Trend
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Sore throat hits
- Seeing Orange pawning just makes me happy
- Tag labels: April, Tuesday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Youtube and Google with good April's Fool jokes
- So the worries begin. Signed the contract and I have burden now
- Calling for 3 hours, sore throat
- Well, RM139 was kinda okay
- Tag labels: April, Monday, Special, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5