- Last day of May, last day my fellow friends will be in Malaysia
- Envy them much, hope to be able to go UK again
- Hopefully I can get a better job
- Now, every topic will be about work, money and future
- Miss student life
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Friends, Life, Work, Digimon World 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #윤아야생일축하해 #Happy24thYoonaDay #DEERYOONADAY #2013HyomDay Happy Birthday to Yoona, Hyomin and Ailee! So much happenings!
- Farewell with friend, envy them at the same time
- Continue Digimon World 2
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Girls Generation, Korean, Digimon World 2, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 我们人生只有一条路,就是死路,因为谁都是要死的
- I will try to close one more deal, before considering to quit
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Envy friend's result in work. How bout my work? Pathetic results, it's all my fault
- Looks like I'll be joining McDonald Olympic Day Run myself
- I miss Sheffield so much, it's going to be 1 year "anniversary" soon. Feel like going back there for vacation
- Try playing Digimon World 2, it is a pain in the ass game
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Work, Life, Digimon World 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Abit empty on work
- A much better episode compared to last week. More interaction between members and everyone got the equal screen time
- Crash Team Racing makes my fingers pain
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Work, Running Man, Crash Bandicoot
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I think MasterChef is getting more entertaining to watch than Hell's Kitchen. Too much freaking drama and fakeness on Hell's Kitchen
- As long as you post food pictures, you will definitely get likes. Social media facts
- Should try bungee jump and sky diving once. Conquer my fear
- Orange should try different lineup next time, stop using Nyx Assassin and Gyrocopter
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Life, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Wesak Day, at least I did good by accompanying parents to the temple
- Had some fun killing survivors, and that's the end
- Not gonna lie, I got a little bit disappointed and depress today
- One day, I might die by accident and no one would know about it at all
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Left 4 Dead 2, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- So Tiffany Hwang smiled and waved at me yesterday. But it was just a dream
- Should start trying to sell DeSkye Residence
- Having so much fun playing Left 4 Dead 2 with brother, as infected
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Work, Left 4 Dead 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- “民主要进步,当然新闻要自由。所谓的自由就是不侵犯他人的自由,才叫做自由。但是呢,当新闻媒体戴上这个无冕王的王冠时,老百姓就是手无寸铁的,什么都不是。” - 吴宗宪。 Well defined Malaysia's current freedom of media and speech
- Got my first 1.6k commission
- The REAL debt life will soon start
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Jacky Wu, Work, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Arguing with some hardcore fans are so much fun
- I'm still sane enough to judge things and not following and approving them blindly
- Being forced to use an iPhone
- Time to get some deal done tomorrow
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Watch those Jacky Wu's videos
- Disappointed Running Man episode, they make it so obvious for Song Ji Hyo to win
- Can they make the future episodes as interesting as 2011's ones?
- Can Ji Suk Jin just win once?
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Running Man, Jacky Wu
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- “人家说,那个硬,心就软;那个软,心就硬。” - 吴宗宪
- Rewatch some old 我猜 clips, old days
- Taiwan we have 吴宗宪, Korea we have Yoo Jae Suk
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Taiwan, Korea
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Peaceful
- Tired
- Sleepy
- Normal
- Tag labels: May, Saturday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Basically another day with Crash Bandicoot
- And my hands feel numb, my head feels pain
- Girls' Generation with their Love & Girls, looks so much like Wonder Girls' Like This
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Crash Bandicoot, Girls Generation
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Cheesy lines
- Crash Bandicoot 1 will always be the hardest ever in Crash Bandicoot series
- Can't believe there are people who live in their own delusional world and don't take criticism at all
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Crash Bandicoot
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- #순규야생일축하해 #Happy25thSunnyDay Happy Birthday Sunny!
- Replay some old PS games like Crash Bandicoot
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Girls Generation, Crash Bandicoot
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- It is a good RM episode, it has been awhile since I laugh so hard. Too bad my favorite team lost and it is very obvious that they let them win
- I just realized my phone's memory card finally has problem in the morning
- Time to change phone I guess
- Then, headache strikes me
- Perhaps I will go for HTC One, because I still have freaking 465 pounds
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Traveling around
- Follow up job is quite tiring. I wonder what happens if I met a super annoying customer or owner?
- And I got conned by my colleague, damn
- The weather is freaking hot that my ice cream melts within 3 minutes, and I drank 10 glasses of water within 2 hours
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Supposedly Asia Super Showcase 2013 day got cancelled, become normal day
- But it ain't just normal day, it is Mother's Day!
- 这个母亲节虽然天气超热,但是妈妈还是认得
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Normal day
- Rewatch back old videos
- Tag labels: May, Saturday, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- "There was something beyond language. Something beyond language is music. Music makes everyone united." - PSY
- Something sparks from my mind. Why did BN request for recount?
- Normally we have recount when the results are almost the same, but when the difference is big, can recount reduce the big difference?
- Unless I have missed out something important. It doesn't make any sense at all
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Politics, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Here's to never growing up. I hope that I will stop growing up
- Luckily didn't buy ticket for Asia Super Showcase, now shit happens
- Pity Shinhwa's fans
- The 8 girls that gave my life hope: Avril Lavigne, Kim Taeyeon, Choi Sooyoung, Park Gyuri, Gigi Lai, Hyomin, Goo Hara and Hebe. And others to be mentioned
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Kpop, Work, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Tenancy agreement gave me headache
- Actually BN knew their time is up, they just don't want to admit it only
- The epic crowd in Stadium Kelana Jaya, 200,000 attendants?
- And the epic traffic jam in the history of Malaysia, people park their cars at the toll just to attend the rally
- Lets guess what will the press and media say tomorrow
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Politics, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Deal done! Secured
- Get back my investment, can consider changing job already
- Girls Generation to come Malaysia soon, excited much!
- Tag labels: May, Tuesday, Work, Girls Generation
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- What a rainy day, looks like the sky is mourning for Pakatan Rakyat
- 你说的黑,是什么黑?你说的白,是马鸡白
- Dulan 也 dulan 完了,我誓死都不信国阵可以酱霸道,“它”们有一天一定被天收。至少这次的选举我学会了两句最好笑的成语:《安南割耳》&《大马停电》
- Considering for changing job, after I get my deal done
- Tag labels: May, Monday, Politics, Life, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Fucking disappointed with the results
- We tried to dui lam BN, but then their dirty tricks keep on coming
- What to do? Can I wake up next morning with good news?
- Tag labels: May, Sunday, Politics
- Daily awesome rating: 1/5
- Today is May the 4th, like Star Wars' infamous quote said, "May the force be with Malaysia tomorrow"
- I drove all the way, jammed for 15 minutes, walked 20 minutes to Stadium, walked 20 minutes to my car, jammed 30 minutes to reach my house, just to see Yeo Bee Yin. Although we can't match the crowd in Penang and Johor, but we have at least 30k+ people attending the grand finale speech at Stadium Kelana Jaya. Sleep early guys, we are gonna be ghost busters early in the morning to catch bangla ghosts. Surround the school and don't let any bangla enter the school secretly
- Tomorrow morning I have two important missions: 1) 队冧国阵 2) Catch banglas
- Tag labels: May, Saturday, Politics
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- 1758
- Pray for tomorrow, let me get a successful deal
- I cannot accept the fact that Hyoyeon is in relationship right now. It is way earlier than her other members! Jip sao mm dou ahhhhh
- Do not underestimate the power of social media
- See those bangala pictures, I am worried for the opposition parties
- 这次选举,国阵只有玩臭才会赢
- Tag labels: May, Friday, Girls Generation, Politics
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 李宗伟跟杨紫琼支持国政就被吊,真是很够无辜。人就是这样子,应为他人的小小举动或错误就判他们死刑,也不想想他们可能有苦衷
- Finally finish 封神榜 using 3 days, what the fuck am I doing?
- Considering future change, job, government.
- Tag labels: May, Thursday, Politics, Life, 封神榜
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Labour's Day
- Don't feel like a labour at all
- 封神榜 all the way
- Tag labels: May, Wednesday, Special, 封神榜
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5