- I'll see what I can achieve in life
- It takes time but we'll see
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Triple 3
- Piles of work coming in. I'm dead on Monday
- Fourth night without the line
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Looking though Allkpop's news. What an asshole company
- Third night without Internet
- Training in progress
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- So many birthdays on this date!
- Second night without Internet
- Abs training
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- No freaking internet for the whole day
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- I fucking hate telemarketing
- The Internet line is slow as hell
- Sleepy as always, I'm getting freaking old
- Tag labels: November, Monday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Took a nap for the whole evening
- The previous feel wasn't there anymore
- The new home is quite nice, just abit far in my opinion
- Can I keep my consistency and passion?
- Tag labels: November, Sunday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Almost whole day outing
- I suck at basketball
- But I have great improvement in pool
- My legs have been cramping all the time today. So fucking pain
- Again, I'm wondering if I've venture into the right business. Complicated feeling
- Chatting with Nicholas Leng makes me feel good
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Life, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Waited whole day just for MAMA 2013
- Glad that Crayon Pop, G-Dragon, Ailee, Lee Hyori & Girls Generation got Awards
- The weirdest and funniest performance of the night was Ylvis and Crayon Pop
- And Big Bang's performance was superb
- Overall a very very satisfying MAMA 2013
- I still don't like EXO's fans
- #MAMA2013
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Special, Kpop, Korean, Crayon Pop
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Sometimes I wonder, am I falling for the wrong person?
- Or is it a chance? An opportunity?
- Tired as hell
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Why I get myself into such situation
- Why am I doing it?
- Fucking tired, mentally and physically
- Please God, show me if I'm doing it correctly. Show me if I've chosen the right path in life
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Shits are flooding in
- Why do I get myself into so much trouble
- Fucker I'll start back my training. No more fucking excuse
- Life is like a rape. If you can barely struggle, just enjoy it
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Listening to techno songs, feel like clubbing already
- Sometimes you just don't know how to deal with one's stupidity and ignorance, and yes CUSTOMERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. FML
- It's not a good day already, and now you give me toothache
- At least Running Man still makes my day slightly better
- I'm glad that Spy Mission is silently striking back. No one would've foreseen that
- Watching the latest Running Man episode, brought back Family Outing's feel. =')
- Tag labels: November, Monday, Songs, Work, Life, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- 3, 2, 1
- Sleepy day
- I need redemption on my life
- Once again, I'm back to the bottomless pit of mine
- “极度的丑陋其实是等于另一种美”. Mind blown
- I want to be as awesome as Yoo Jae Suk when I get old
- Tag labels: November, Sunday, Kpop, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Finished with Saw series
- Love the mind fucking plot twist
- Back on track with Korean class
- I fucking hate flu, catch cold is not fun at all
- Can never forget that day? Mind fucked
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Movie, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- I would like to play a game
- It is called, watched the whole Saw Series
- That plot twist, still mind blowing as always
- Forgot to write about yesterday's 2013 Melon Music Awards
- Congratulations to Crayon Pop and Ailee!
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Movie, Crayon Pop, Kpop
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Unexpected birthday celebration
- Getting closer?
- Give a try to Carcony and lets see how great it is
- Invest first, then get a good return in future
- Continue SAW series
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Work, Movie
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Take initiative to know someone, rather than just sitting there
- It is time for something to happen next year, like seriously
- Sometimes, life ain't easy, yet it is so interesting
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday, Life, Friends
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- The art of pictures, the quality of pictures
- 每个人心里都有一个心魔
- Watching CZ12 makes me feel like watching Jackie Chan's old movies
- Awesome stunts
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday, Movie, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Special 11/11 day. A... bad Pepero Day?
- Leg still in pain
- Tweeted a lot today, like A LOT
- A really bad day happened in Kpop world: Jessica, Yoona & Taeyeon, Ailee, Eunhyuk and Areum
- 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来;我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩
- If next week Running Man team is going to lose to that 11 guys, I seriously don't know what to say
- Tag labels: November, Monday, Special, Korean, Kpop, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- A tired morning
- Luckily no hangover
- Took a long evening nap
- Tag labels: November, Sunday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Banana was exciting, didn't expect that
- Dinner was quite okay, a quiet one
- But the pool party was AWESOME
- You're looking at a freaking super lucky guy who won the grand prize
- Sometimes you need to take risk in life. Chances are, you're gonna win big
- Win big or go home. My future is going to win BIG
- Definitely a crazy night
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, Life
- Daily awesome rating: 4/5
- Worsen? Hmm
- To be honest, I don't like EXOtics. Most of them are not friendly toward other idols and are the ones who get offended easily
- Running Man night
- Tomorrow will be a good day? Fingers crossed
- Tag labels: November, Friday, Running Man
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 动情时刻最美,真心的给不累
- So many chats today
- Gossip kills, that what I learnt
- Must be more productive in future
- Tag labels: November, Thursday, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- When can I start to do my "business"?
- Need to find a good timing
- Komamura with his new look and new Bankai look, freaking awesome
- That Hangul Song is so brainwashing. I'm learning all the hand gestures :3
- ㄱ , ㄴ, ㄷ , ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ , ㅅ , ㅇ, ㅈ , ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ
- Tag labels: November, Wednesday, Bleach, Work, Korean
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- A normal day
- Just a normal day
- Tag labels: November, Tuesday
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- What a weird day for me in work
- Forgot to bring wallet and smartphone to work
- Mistakes in work
- Ain't my day today
- DotA 2 training with Lich
- Tag labels: November, Monday, Work, Special, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Lich, the potential all kill hero
- Super worried looking at my list, not much people I can talk to
- Super doubt I can do this business
- Tag labels: November, Sunday, DotA 2, Work
- Daily awesome rating: 2/5
- Checked back for the day I forgot to blog
- This post is especially for that day, 25th May 2013
- Couldn't remember what I did for that day, but I guess it's nothing special
- Tag labels: May, Saturday, Special
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- Woke up surprisingly at 3pm
- DotA 2 practicing day
- Tag labels: November, Saturday, DotA 2
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5
- 2 more months
- So many movies to watch
- Getting frustrated with teammate bots, fucking noobs
- Tag labels: November, Friday, DotA 2, Movies
- Daily awesome rating: 3/5